Using mouthwash on a regular basis is crucial for maintaining optimal oral health and hygiene. Unfortunately, most conventional mouthwash formulas are laced with toxic ingredients, such as fluoride or triclosan. They may also contain artificial coloring, chemical sweeteners or harsh alcohol that may harm sensitive teeth and gums.

QUACHEM BY REINTRODUCING QUASIL TM XXXTRA STRONG understands the importance of maintaining great oral health and hygiene, which is why we’re
bringing back our Hydrogen Silver Mouthwash formulas. We don't use any synthetic flavors, preservatives or chemicals in our premium mouthwash formulations. Instead, they support optimal oral health by relying on naturally cleansing ingredients like Hydrogen Peroxide and Silver colloidal/nano to help protect your mouth against external threats.

Our Hydrogen Silver Mouthwash infused mouthwash formulations are non-China and lab tested for glyphosate, heavy metals and microbiology. You can trust that they contain no GMOs, fluoride, aspartame, alcohol or synthetic chemicals.


HYDROGEN SILVER is created by suspending pure elemental silver in Hydrogen Peroxide and distilled water using a method called electrolysis. Through this
process, you get a liquid-suspended silver that has been revered for centuries for the wide spectrum of benefits it offers. The ancient Greeks and Romans were
among the first to discover Hydrogen silver's efficacy as a cleanser and a preservative.

Hydrogen silver, the key ingredient in our breakthrough mouthwash formulations, possesses potent properties that can help you maintain optimal oral health and hygiene. It is one of the most effective and easy-to-use substances available today that improves oral health. Unlike the harsh chemicals found in most commercial mouthwash formulas, Hydrogen silver won’t harm your gums or teeth. Its cleansing properties allow it to promote optimal dental health and hygiene. A study that appeared in the International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology suggests that the use of Hydrogen silver can help protect your mouth against external threats.


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