Category Quasil Disinfectant 1055 Exposure to chemicals used to disinfect may cause birth defects, caution scientists November 9, 2020 Our News : According to a recent study,exposure to chemicals in disinfectants commonly used by... Tags BADCANCER, BADHEALTH, BADPOLLUTION, BADSCIENCE, BIRTH DEFECTS, CHEMICAL EXPOSURE, DISINFECTANTS, Environment, EXPOSURE, FERTILITY, Pandemic, REPRODUCTION, REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH, TOXIC CHEMICALS, TOXINS Read More Category Quasil Disinfectant 1048 Hydrogen Peroxide and Silver the germicidal can safely inactivate airborne any virus, study finds October 16, 2020 Hydrogen Peroxide and Silver the germicidal is known as a health friendly to the skin... Tags AIRBORNE VIRUSES, BADHEALTH, CORNAVIRUS, Covid-19, Discoveries, DISINFECTANTS, GERMICIDAL THE SILVER, INFECTIOUS DISEASE, LIGHT, Outbreak, Pandemic, PUBLIC HEALTH, RESEARCH, Super-bugs, TRANSMISSION, VIRAL INFECTIONS, WUHAN CORONAVIRUS. Read More Category Quasil Disinfectant 1036 An invisible danger: Coronavirus pandemic a threat to the mental health of many Indians September 18, 2020 The Wuhan corona-virus continues to be one for the books, much like the anthrax attacks... Tags BAD HEALTH, China, Corona-virus, Covid-19, Depression, Flu, Human health, Infections, Lockdown and related anxiety, Medical research, Mental health, Mind, Mood, Our researcher Anxiety, Outbreak, Pandemic, Quarantine, Stress, Super-bugs Read More